A Case Study on Enhancing Biodiversity Assessment with Autonomous Technologies
Thank you for considering participating in our research study. Before you decide to participate, we’ll tell you the purpose of the study, and what you will be asked to do. You’ll also learn about how to join as a co-author on the resulting paper.
The purpose of this study is to gain insights into the collaborative development of AI-powered technologies for biodiversity assessment in the context of the Xprize Rainforest competition. You are eligible to participate if you were a member or expert-consultant of the bioacoustics group of the “Brazilian Team” that participated in the competition.
If you choose to participate, you will take part in online video interviews/focus groups. The sessions will be recorded for research purposes. You will be asked about your experiences, insights, and opinions about the topic. The sessions take place in the first half of September 2024, and are expected to take approximately 60 minutes in total.
The results of this study will contribute to a submission to CHI 2024, the ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. The submission deadline on Oct 12, 2024. In case you have the interest and availability, you have the further option to engage in data analysis and manuscript writing as a co-author of the resulting research paper. Your involvement as a co-author will be subject to the terms of the ACM Policy on Authorship, which can be found at this link.
Participation in this study is voluntary. If you choose to participate, you may withdraw at any time without penalty. Your decision to participate or not will not affect your relationship with the researchers, the “Brazilian Team”, or your institution. If you have any questions about the study or your participation, you can contact Thiago Gouvêa at thiago.gouvea@dfki.de.
By registering for a session, you agree to participate in this study, and acknowledge that you have read and understood the information provided here.